Year 3 Celebration Assembly - May 2012
18 May 2012
On Friday 18th May 2012, Year 3 parents and relatives were invited to our new style assembly - A Celebration Assembly.
There was a very high turnout and visitors enjoyed a very personal assembly, with just the Year 3 children present. The children explained all about what they've been learning this year and what they've enjoyed the most!
3P sang their favourite song from their year, entitled Tutankhamun and 3MB recited their favourite performance poem from their Literacy lessons.
Following this part of the assembly children got to show their parents and relatives the work they were most proud of from the year. There was a lot of lovely work to choose from and it was a difficult choice for some! Visitors also got to look at displayed work including Greek myths and Henri Rousseau inspired art work amongst others.
Children and relatives enjoyed this experience greatly with feedback being very positive and most relatives wanting more of the same! The intimate and informal nature of the assembly was highly praised.