About Our School
Yenton Primary School is a primary academy which is proud to have joined Robin Hood Multi-Academy Trust in September 2019. Our school caters for children aged 4 to 11 years and we can admit up to 90 children each year in September (30 children per class), up to a maximum of 630 children on site. We sit in the heart of the Erdington district, which we are proud to serve. Our children come from a variety of backgrounds, and we enjoy celebrating the wide diversity that such an intake brings to our school.
The main school building has Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 on the ground floor. Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 occupy the first floor. We have a school kitchen attached to the main school building and cook all school meals on site. We have a separate nursery building which is rented by Honeybears who provide our out of hours wraparound care, as well as nursery provision for children aged 2 - 4. The wraparound care is a popular function for our school community and is open from 7:30am to 6pm. For more information on this, please contact Honeybears directly.
We are very proud of our Forest School, which backs onto the main school playground. Our Forest School allows our children to experience outdoor learning in an inner city environment and is extremely popular with all of our children.
We have recently refurbished our main school playground to include a multi-use games area (MUGA) and 2 new climbing frames to allow our children the chance to play collaboratively and be active during playtimes and lunchtimes.
We are also very proud of being a UNICEF Rights Respecting Silver Award school, and also hold the Parliament Gold Award for our work on British values and democracy.