Living Eggs - April 2013
April 2013
As a part of Year 5's Science topic 'Life Cycles', 5G are welcoming some new members to their class! 'Living Eggs' have provided us with ten hen's eggs which we are eagerly waiting to hatch! They will be with us in the classroom for two weeks so we will be able to see them hatch and begin growing.
Update: 23 April 2013
5G are currently waiting for their baby to chicks to hatch. 5L spotted some tiny cracks in two of the eggs this afternoon and some cheeping could be heard. They should be finished hatching over the next few days.

Update: 24 April 2013 - Morning
Miss Grant came in this morning to find seven of the eggs have hatched! Later on we will find out if they are boys or girls (this breed you can tell by the colour) and start thinking of names! Here you can see the first chicks ready to be moved from the incubator.

Update: 24 April 2013 - Afternoon
"Now our last two chicks have hatched and they look great!" Aneeka - 5G
"They look yellow as the sun and I am looking forward to holding them tomorrow." Haaris - 5G
Pictures taken by Sanah, Jenny and Freya

Update: 3 May 2013
5G have thoroughly enjoyed having the chicks in the classroom. It was very hard to say goodbye today but they have grown very quickly and are ready to go to a good outdoor home!