Pupil Premium
As part of the Coalition Government's policy to improve the educational attainment of under performing pupils, additional funding has been allocated to all schools through the Pupil Premium Grant.
All schools receive extra funding for children who receive free school meals (FSM) from the Government. This money is to help lower income families do their best and achieve as high as possible. For every child registered at Yenton, school will receive £1300 per year. Please don't miss out: contact the school office, as this money will be spent directly on your child (eg. extra staff in each year group).
Yenton Pupil Premium Grant 2023/24
Income :£483,583
Strategy Statement - 2023/24
Yenton Pupil Premium Grant 2022/23
Income : £435,583.00
Strategy Statement -2022/23
Yenton Pupil Premium Grant 2021/22
Income: £487,230 (est)
Yenton Pupil Premium Grant 2019/20
Income: £330,000
Yenton Pupil Premium Grant 2018/19
Income: £307,220
Yenton Pupil Premium Grant 2017/18
Income: £258,000
Yenton Pupil Premium Grant 2016/17
Income: £258,000
Yenton Pupil Premium Grant 2015/16
Income: £257,260
- To continue to close the gap between Pupil Premium (PP) and non PP's attainment and progress. (Additional teacher in years 4, 5 and 6, focused teaching groups, 1:1, smaller groups and more intervention groups – two additional adults in Reception).
- Develop love of reading and raise standards (two additional Teaching Assistant hearing readers every day).
- Focus on key maths skills (online 1:1 tuition, maths target groups in the afternoons).
- Continue to improve attendance and punctuality (Pizzas, Conkers trip, Film Clubs, Attendance Officer employed, increased staff hours).
- Support Health and Welfare of Children through use of counsellors (Place to Be Project for children and families).
- Support children to overcome barriers to learning through the use of external agencies (Speech and Language therapist, school's own Educational Psychologist and buy back of Local Authority Psychologist, increased SENCO time).
- Develop social skills and SMSC opportunities through the PATHS project and additional resources, Aspire lunchtime clubs.
- Improve access to ICT (after school clubs, further ICT resources, investment in mobile technology, increased technician time in classroom, supporting learning and use of new resources).
- Enrichment of curriculum through additional 50p a week individual music lessons (95% subsidised), free PE clubs during lunch and after school. Free year 4 music tuition all year.
Impact seen as a consequence of Pupil Premium Expenditure April 2015 to March 2016:
Yenton Pupil Premium Grant 2014/15
Income: £244,000
- To continue to close the gap between Pupil Premium (PP) and non PP's attainment and progress. (Additional teacher in 4 year groups across school, focused teaching groups, 1:1, smaller groups and more intervention groups – additional adult in Reception).
- Develop love of reading and raise standards (additional Teaching Assistant hearing readers every day).
- Focus on key maths skills (additional maths interventions by additional adults and maths leader out of class to support new initiatives).
- Continue to improve attendance and punctuality (Attendance Officer employed, increased staff hours).
- Support children to overcome barriers to learning through the use of external agencies (Speech and Language therapist, school's own Educational Psychologist and buy back of Local Authority Psychologist, increased SENCO time).
- Support families and agencies to intervene and develop ability to overcome barriers (creation of new meeting room for all pastoral professionals).
- Develop social skills and SMSC opportunities through the PATHS project and additional resources, Aspire lunchtime clubs.
- Improve access to ICT (after school clubs, further ICT resources, investment in mobile technology, increased technician time in classroom, supporting learning and use of new resources).
- Enrichment of curriculum through additional 50p a week individual music lessons (95% subsidised), free PE clubs during lunch and after school. Free year 4 music tuition all year.
Impact seen as a consequence of Pupil Premium Expenditure April 2014 to March 2015:
Yenton Pupil Premium Grant 2013/14
Income: £164,000
- To continue to close the gap between FSM and non FSM's attainment and progress (focused teaching groups, 1:1, smaller groups and more intervention groups).
- Continue to improve attendance and punctuality (Attendance Officer employed, Big Community).
- Support children to overcome barriers to learning through the use of external agencies (Big Community, Educational Psychologist, Increased SENCO time).
- Develop social skills and SMSC opportunities through the PATHS project and additional resources, Aspire lunchtime clubs.
- Improve access to ICT (after school clubs, further ICT resources, investment in mobile technology).
- Enrichment of curriculum through additional half price individual music lessons, free PE clubs during lunch and after school and free year 4 music tuition.
- Develop love of reading and raise standards in reading, through opportunities to read at all times of the day and setting up more accessible reading zones and further resources investment.
Impact seen as a consequence of Pupil Premium Expenditure April 2013 to March 2014:
- Progress – good progress was made by our Pupil Premium (PP) Children as a result of the above actions and plans:
- May 2013 Year 6 PP children surpassed expected progress and were slightly above national numbers of children exceeding national progress in reading, writing and maths. This is good.
- May 2014 Year 6 PP children equalled National expected progress and were in line with above expected – BUT due to a number of children joining late in the juniors, their breadth of maths skills coverage affected their progress and maths was therefore slightly below National expectation.
- In 2013 Year 2 on average in reading, writing & maths 97% of PP children made expected progress and 26% exceeded.
- In 2014 Year 2 on average in reading, writing & maths 89% of PP children made expected progress and 41% exceeded. - Attendance increased from 93.2% in 2012 to 94.4% in 2013 to 95.6% in 2014. In 2011 11.9 % of school population was persistently absent, now in 2013 it was 5.8% as a result of PP initiatives.
- Phonics check success in 2013 year 2 increased from 54% to 90% and year 1 PP achieved 73% as a result of specialised adult support.
- In 2014 PP phonics achieved 71% pass rate, superior to the national figure of 63%.
- External agencies were involved in working with over 60 Pupil Premium families – this resulted in a significant improvement in children's learning seen above.
- As a result of PATHS and other school interventions, lunchtime incidents requiring adult support reduced by over 90%, with a 50% reduction in class based support required.
- 27% of children undertook free music lessons. July 2014 concerts had 94 children playing instruments.
Yenton Pupil Premium Grant 2012/13
Income: £113,653
- Specific teaching assistants trained and working with focused groups in the afternoons (reading and writing).
- SENCo and Pastorol Care to not have a class responsibility from April 2012, allowing them to work with all classes and all children.
- Additional resources purchased to provide additional phonics support and programmes.
- Training and additional focused writing support across the school.
- Big Community pastoral support group.
- Times Table Intervention.
- Aspire Lunchtime Clubs and Social Speaking lunchtime groups.
- Netbooks (to be purchased).
- Free music instrument tuition in Year 4 and half price music lessons in years 5 and 6.
- Educational Psychologist employed once a week in addition to local authority service, to have regular contact and impact on children, training for Teaching Assistants, advice and support for families and teachers.
What difference did these initiatives make?
- Impact – Teaching assistants specialising has resulted in children having further quality sessions on phonics – this turned our projected 40% pass in year 1 phonics test into 54% of children passing (in line with national figures). This also was reflected in our pupil premium children achieving a pass rate in line with national.
- SENCO and pastoral manager out of class has resulted in parents having more regular meetings and contacting agencies more quickly. This has linked in with Big Community support group, who now support over 20 families.
- Aspire lunchtime in summer 2012 and Social Speaking clubs all year resulted in a reduction of 78% of incidents at lunchtimes, as children learn how to share and use equipment more effectively.
- The impact of an external singer and dancer to learn timestables had a strong increase in mental maths scores scores year 5 and 6 in summer term 2012.
- Free music tuition in year 4 and half price lessons has resulted in a 66% increase in uptake. This has resulted in our first music concert to be held in December 2012. 98 children took part.
- Writing focus and training resulted in a jump from 57% level 4 writing in 2010, 46% level 4 in 2011 to 77% level 4 in 2012, as a direct result of initiatives. In terms of progress our free school meal children in 2012 were in line with national performance in reading, writing and maths as a direct result of specialist interventions.
- Surveys of children indicate a 98% enjoyment of reading, with 100% of positive responses towards reading changes introduced in Spring 2013. 48% of children achieved a level 5 in reading in year 6 in 2013, compared to the same year group achieving 18% level 3 in 2009. Year 2 reading has increased from 77% Level 2 in 2010 to 87% in 2013.
Yenton Pupil Premium Grant 2011/12
Income: £60,024
- Specific teaching assistants trained and working with focused groups in the afternoons.
- Special Needs coordinator to not have a class responsibility from April 2012, allowing them to work with all classes and all children.
- Additional resources purchased to provide additional phonics support and programmes.
- Big Community pastoral support group.